If you’re a leader you could be a hypnotist, you just didn’t know it.
Let me show you very simplified approach to getting people to feel good when doing the mundane, and then do it better.
Hypnosis is the intentional implanting of ideas at a subconscious level giving rise to changed behaviours in the recipient.
If you lead you should be influencing behaviours because it’s only when the non-conscious process takes onboard an idea, and runs unquestioningly with it, that we get what NLP practitioners call unconscious competence.
For clarity lets call that a habit. And it’s only when behaviours become habitual that we get the competence which leads to the satisfaction in being able to complete tasks imaginatively, with ease, and with recognition and most importantly. . .
Get the real reward of feeling good emotionally = happy, which we call success.
People are naturally accepting of the subconscious language patterns we might call suggestion, especially when they are being creative, imaginative, passionate and emotional, and it’s then we can suggest the reward for being successful.
On stage for instance the Hypnotist will tell people constantly how good they are doing.
They will congratulate their guests on stage and encourage compliance by offering an emotive reward, “The better you do this, the better you feel.”
That’s a direct subconscious communication or suggestion.
No, it’s not conversational or covert hypnosis, certainly not embedded language patterning or neurolinguistic programming gobbledegook.
No true leader needs that rubbish to help their teams, employees, customers, followers, feel better about themselves, their job or the boss.
All you need to do is direct subconscious language directly at the emotional imaginative mental process we call the Subconscious, and attach a feel good to it, as all charismatic and influential people do, they are Hypnotists, even if they don’t know it.
Try this:
Next time you see a team member, or a friend or someone in the family for that matter, do something that makes them feel good, say something that you naturally feel is right with the intention to fire that feeling again.
And, as my friend and persuasion expert Tom Vizzini would point out, do not go for a huge over the top obvious excitement or joy, watch for a simple starting smile and attach to that.
Later, at a time when the same person is doing you want or need them to feel good about, but they are pretty much emotionally neutral about; fire the feel good attachment trigger or anchor.
Now trust me on this, there are no particular words or phrases, body language or gestures, that will give you control over their mind here, well there are, but the length of a blog isn’t the place to show you how to get those.
So it could be anything, something you’d say off hand or even something that feels right but doesn’t make sense.
After you’ve attached or anchored your trigger – in Subconscious Skills we prefer attached because it’s way more flexible – then. . .
“With very little effort you can help people get an habitual feel good mood over boredom.”
Every year I watch company Business Owners, Team Leaders, Trainers and CEOs learn to use subconscious skills and discover how, without complex and convoluted language and story telling, they can lead and influence their colleagues, co-workers and service teams to get and give them the max.
I’m a Freelancer professional influence advisor that allows me a clear vision helping people who motivate, manipulate and move others, get the communication and performance edge skills you need to keep your momentum going.
Let’s cut to the chase and talk.
We don’t just coach, we, that’s with my partner Jane Bregazzi, act as catalysts and facilitate your focused future helping you to think differently.
Why Midlife? 45 and above?
Our major time of transition mostly occurs when we recognise our mortality and start thinking of long term legacy.
That time where we need to train others to grow into their own power positions.
Most people who suffer stress, even burnout, hit it here due to top of the tree tension needing a strategy to harness and control pressures.
Serious as a leader? Then up your game because better performance lowers stress.
“I watched 15 normal people become competent at this stuff and didn’t see what happened, it was like alchemy. Jonathan Chase is one of; if not the, best trainers of subconscious skills in the world.”
Simon Hedley CEO PsiPi Group