WNOEIL podcast talking with Pia Silva

Our guest today is a force of nature sitting in her closet in Brooklyn, New York City!

Along with her husband and business partner Steve, she evangelises and strategises, becoming a maverick and Badassing your brand.

Their hugely successful design and coaching business is Worst of All design, just love that name – based on their Married name of Westerval.

I first heard her focused and energised voice on the David Ralph Join up dots Podcast, got her book, Badass your brand and was energised by her enthusiasm for helping freelancers to get themselves out there!

So much so I joined her facebook group and pop in often to soak up some of that energy.

Her mind style is strongly that of a performer so, itโ€™s not a surprise to discover she speaks publicly, writes loads of articles for Forbes magazine on line and runs what Jane thinks is an amazing idea of Art Parties called #SellOut.

When no one else is looking, she dabbles in art herself, is something of a songist, has joined the sleep deprivation club by having had a baby and still finds time to binge on Netflix and guest on podcasts.

I know that often our expert guests are a bit old and creaky, but in this fantastically internet world our Influencers defy the generation gap as this young lady does.

Please welcome to the show the one, and the only –

Pia Silva! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

If you go along to PiaSilva.com and check out the Price to Freedom page.

Talking Success edutainment podcast with Jane Bregazzi and Jonathan Chase Show Highlights:
Dancing, High Ticket lemonade stands, the Art of Business and why to badass!

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