How well do you know yourself?

Mind STYLE app Psychometric testing strengths and stress success cycle #mindstyleapp #subconsciousskills developers Jane Bregazzi and Jonathan Chase

10 FAQs as to why you should take our MindSTYLE app Psychometric strength and stress assessment Q: What is a Subconscious Strengths and Stress psychometric Testing about? A: Psychometric Testing with the MindSTYLE app is a set of questions that are designed to discover your natural Subconscious behaviours which are most likely to give you […]

The Comfort Zone myth

Get rid of Fears and Phobias Jonathan Chase the hypnotist

The Comfort Zone Myth Even some of my most revered inspirers are still apparently stuck in the myth of comfort zones being places to get out of. Seth Godin writes on the 9th of January 2017 asking how many times do you step outside of your comfort zone? And he is right it can become […]