A recipe for Wealthy Thinking

A recipe for wealthy thinking Jonathan Chase Hypnotist

I was once called the Gordon Ramsey of Hypnotists. I’d like to think that was because of my passion for elegant simplicity and adding value to my clients lives, although I fear it may be because when I get passionate I do have a tendency to swear a little… well okay, a lot…

How well do you know yourself?

Mind STYLE app Psychometric testing strengths and stress success cycle #mindstyleapp #subconsciousskills developers Jane Bregazzi and Jonathan Chase

10 FAQs as to why you should take our MindSTYLE app Psychometric strength and stress assessment Q: What is a Subconscious Strengths and Stress psychometric Testing about? A: Psychometric Testing with the MindSTYLE app is a set of questions that are designed to discover your natural Subconscious behaviours which are most likely to give you […]

Unleashing the Power of the 9yr old Within

Unleashing the power of the 9yr old within Jonathan Chase the hypnotist

Unleashing the Power of the 9 yr old within Imagine a human being was a car… In this case it’s being driven by Peter, it could be being driven by Petunia or Pauline but in this case it’s Peter. The car is pointed where Peter wants to go and he has learnt the skills to […]

How do you catch a liar?


The Hypnotist shows you How To Catch A Liar Eye accessing cues in NLP and micro expression and body language are supposed to be able to tell you how people are processing their thoughts. As the Hypnotist I’ve experimented a lot with this and with what magicians call cold reading, here’s a fast way to […]

How to protect yourself from Political Persuasion NLP and Hypnosis

How to protect yourself from Political Persuasion NLP and Hypnosis Jonathan Chase the hypnotist #subskills pawel-czerwinski-KVOtJAxULK4-unsplash

The Hypnotist Weekly Wednesday Wisdom

How to protect yourself from Political Persuasion NLP and Hypnosis.

NLP is Hypnosis when it works and unproven psychobabbling rubbish when it doesn’t. And if you live in Britain you are going to see and hear a lot of it over the next few months as we head towards that great British display of massive apathy which we call The Election.